Michael has spent nearly four decades traveling the globe. His experience as a photo journalist has produced many great photographs and journals, some of which have been recently published in countries such as Australia.

Landscapes have always been at the forefront of Michael's photos. As a youth living in California, he had the opportunity to travel extensively throughout the pacific northwest, photographing the giant sequoias of central California, the massive redwoods along U.S. 101, the beautiful rock formations along the Oregon coastline and the rivers and mountains that span from Washington to Idaho.

Around the mid eighties, Michael turned his attention to a new love. Celebrating his tenth anniversary, he and his lovely wife traveled to the islands of French Polynesia where he began to focus on photographing the lush tropical regions of the South Pacific. His collection of Tahiti photos (which are partially presented on this site) show the beauty that captivated his heart and gave him the desire to pursue tropical landscapes for over a decade.

Now living in Colorado, Michael has begun to focus his talents on photographing America's wildlife, capturing them in their natural habitats. He has spent the last four years traveling extensively throughout Colorado, Wyoming and South Dakota capturing elk, antelope, big horn sheep and even a few prairie dogs along the way. Michael intends to return to photographing world landscapes in '98. This will enable him to add new and exciting photos to his collection for many years to come...


A Special Note from Michael

As a youth, my parents made sure my brother and I had many an opportunity to travel throughout the Pacific and Pacific Northwest. Always with camera in hand, we experienced such places as the Grand Canyon in Arizona, the Grand Tetons in Wyoming, the majestic Redwoods of Northern California and the quaint little towns and suburbs that exists along the dramatic Oregon coastline. I suspect these early adventures instilled in me the desire to travel and pursue photography into my adulthood.

As an adult, I have found it a privilege and a blessing to have traveled the globe and photographed so many beautiful and different locations. Now, through the electronic medium of computers and the internet, I hope I have inspired others to follow their dreams. May your memories last a lifetime...

We are all truly blessed by God...


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